SENSIS Produktlandkarte
SENSIS Produktlandkarte
SENSIS Produktlandkarte
SENSIS Produktlandkarte
SENSIS Produktlandkarte

SENSIS allocation

SENSIS Allocation Individual optimized investment proposals

  • Portfolio optimization under consideration of mandate restrictions
  • Quantitative methods for risk budgeting (Risk Parity, VAR targeting, etc …)
  • Analysis of portfolio diversification, Identification of critical components and portfolio performance contributions
  • Recommendations for portfolio reallocation – long term or short term
  • Portfolio simulation based on long-term / short-term Monte Carlo Szenarios – adapted to specific mandate restrictions

SENSIS Monitor

SENSIS Monitor Individual risk and performance assessment

  • Monitoring the investment guidelines: creating a benchmark allocation and preventive measures against violations of investment restrictions
  • Performance monitoring, identification of performance components, and the effects of selection and timing decisions
  • Risk and diversification analysis for portfolio components as well as Investment Controlling on master portfolio or overlay level.
  • Measures for overlay controlling and hedging

SENSIS Simulator

SENSIS Simulator Stress testing and scenario backtest

  • Analysis of Strategies for portfolio optimization, risk reduction to monthly, daily, or the minute time series
  • Test of investment proposals in past crises (ex post) and in the Monte Carlo method (ex ante).
  • backtest and benchmarking of trading models, Markowitz optimization, absolute return approaches, best-of-(n)- or CPPI concepts
  • determine expense Overlay -and- hedge transactions

SENSIS benchmark

SENSIS Benchmark Individual indices

  • create custom benchmarks for portfolio concepts, specific asset allocations or individual investment strategies
  • monitoring of return compared to the corresponding market
  • Alternative fund replication with up to three ETF Investments
  • determining real time market prices for investment funds

SENSIS hotspot

SENSIS Hotspot Market Tidbits

  • Market Analysis and comments: Special Events – briefly commented
  • peer group and benchmark comparisons, decomposition in alpha and beta
  • Stability analysis of market diversification models

SENSIS Reference

SENSIS Reference Key indicators set for online portals

  • Investment figures updated monthly, daily or in real time
  • Transparent identification of expected yield, value-at-risk, benchmark outperformance
  • risk and performance ranking of funds

Structured Solutions

SENSIS modules

Our offering in your context

→ Contact us.
We look forward to discuss with you, also based on your specific example which modules cover your current needs and give you an advantage.

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