Through SENSIS® the labor-intensive investment process becomes more precise and manageable with less effort

Investment process ongoing actions

  • Compliance check of investment guidelines
  • Assessment of the risk / return potential
  • Optimisation of pre / post-tax returns
  • Proposals for asset allocation structure
  • Simulation of any time horizon
  • Adapting asset allocation to research opinion
  • Improvement of portfolio efficiency
  • Monitoring the compliance with investment guidelines
  • Best-in-class analysis
  • Ongoing review of manager performance
  • Risk / return expectation update
  • Monitoring of attributions, selection, timing performance

Investment process with SENSIS®

Investmentprocess with SENSIS

Precise management in less time
Mandate restriction

  • Mandate restriction in SENSIS®: e.g. dynamic allocation, 6% return before coast and tax

Asset Allocation

  • SENSIS® calculates the asset allocation considering research preferences and individual performance scenarios to make the best results available for the customer.


  • SENSIS® assigns appropriate securities in accordance with the managers preferences and the mandate requirement

Portfolio management and investment controlling

  • With SENSIS® daily monitoring of the portfolio is automated: is the portfolio development still with the objective of the client agreement? SENSIS® acts as a controlling and early warning system
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I hereby confirm, that I am professional Investor. I also declare, that I am not US-resident (according to US Securities Act from 1933) and I do not live or have residence in USA, Australia, Canada, Japan or Great Britain.”

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